Let me begin by congratulating you on a major milestone in your life. This is when the world’s most wonderful relationship starts for you. It can be thrilling, but it can also be physically demanding. If you've had a cesarean delivery (C-section), you'll need to take extra care and give yourself even more time to recuperate after childbirth than if you've had a vaginal delivery.
Thanks for trusting me and my wishes and prayers are always with you.
Remember, your review appointment is between the 10th to 15th day post-delivery.
Discharge Instructions
Pain: You might have more discomfort once you are at home. This discomfort is due to swelling inside your abdomen as you heal and squeezing of the womb when you breastfeed. Don’t worry, it’s a good sign!
Take pain medication as directed in the discharge summary, especially the special medicines such as blood pressure, anti-thyroid, and anti-diabetic medicines, if given. As you continue to recover, your pain should get better day by day, and your need for pain medication should decrease.
Activity: The recovery time from a C-section is approximately six weeks, but it varies from person to person. It can take weeks for an incision to heal, which is usually a horizontal cut in your lower abdomen. During this time:
Avoid strenuous activities and sports until you visit me at the review appointment.
DO NOT lift anything over 5kg for 6 weeks.
Avoid over stretching or reaching.
Walk every day. Start with short walks and try to increase the distance you walk a little each day.
DO NOT over tire yourself, take frequent rest periods.
You may do light work like washing dishes and cooking.
Vacuuming is not light work.
Being active is important to your recovery.
Personal hygiene and care: Make sure your incision is kept clean and dry. To maintain the personal hygiene at home:
Bathe every day and you have a waterproof dressing but do not over-soak in the water or a tub and use oils and bath salts.
Don’t strain at stools and ensure adequate fluid intake and good fibrous diet
Keep your breasts, private parts and the wound area clean and dry
Brush daily and maintain good oral hygiene as you need to wake up at night several times
Wear clean, loose cotton clothes and change at least twice a day as you tend to perspire more
Attitude and temperament: The birth of a child elicits a slew of strong feelings. Many new mothers go through a period of feeling depressed, nervous, or insufficient, which is referred to as the baby blues. Manage your mood swings, weeping bouts, anxiety, and sleeping problems this time and:
Be happy and positive
Don’t feel overwhelmed and ask for help when needed
Some post-delivery blues are expected and try to dissociate
If anger issues or depression are perceived please consult us
Diet and nutrition: Nutrition is an important part of taking care of your body after surgery. For that:
Eat nutritious foods to help you heal
Drink plenty fluids to stay hydrated: Drink 6 to 8 glasses (1 glass = 250 ml) of fluid, preferably water, every day
Eat and drink properly in order to avoid constipation.
You may resume your regular diet.
Avoid Constipation.
Eat high fibre foods such as whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables, and prunes.
Take a stool softener or a mild laxative if diet alone is not working for you.
Follow up Appointment: What to Expect: The first follow-up appointment should take place between the tenth and fifteenth day following delivery. The incision scar will be examined at this appointment, and steri-strips will be removed if they have not fallen out on their own. During the consultation:
Your complaints, if any, will be addressed.
The wound dressing will be removed and instructions for wound care will be given.
Review your current medications.
We will discuss birth control, breast feeding, diet, and immunization for you.
Warning signs to seek help immediately: Complications after birth are always a possibility, no matter how minor. Some are caused by pre-existing problems, while others happen during birth. Immediately contact for help if:
You are soaking more than 1 sanitary pad an hour.
You record headache, severe pain, breathlessness, blurring of vision, giddiness.
Your blood pressure and sugar records are not normal.
Your wound dressing is soaking.
Your breasts are swollen, hurting, painful.
- Dr. Girija Wagh | Primrose care