Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation. One of the most crucial aspects of prenatal care is ultrasound scans, which provide valuable insights into the baby's development and overall health. These scans help detect potential complications early and guide doctors in making informed decisions. Here’s a detailed timeline of the essential pregnancy scans every expecting mother should know about.
1. Confirmation Scan (After Two Weeks of a Missed Period)
This is the first ultrasound scan performed around 6-8 weeks of pregnancy to confirm the pregnancy.
It helps:
✔️ Confirm the presence of a fetal heartbeat
✔️ Determine the location of the pregnancy (to rule out ectopic pregnancy)
✔️ Identify multiple pregnancies (twins or more)
2. Dating Scan (Around 8 Weeks)
The dating scan is done at 8 weeks to:
✔️ Accurately determine the gestational age
✔️ Estimate the expected due date (EDD)
3. Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan (12-13 Weeks)
This scan is performed in the first trimester to assess the risk of genetic conditions like Down syndrome and detect early pregnancy complications.
It helps:
✔️ Identify potential chromosomal abnormalities
✔️ Check for early structural issues in the baby
4. Anomaly Scan (19-20 Weeks)
The mid-pregnancy scan, also known as the anomaly scan, is one of the most important scans. It helps:
✔️ Detect structural abnormalities in the baby
✔️ Assess the development of vital organs
✔️ Identify any growth restrictions or complications
5. Fetal Heart Scan (23-24 Weeks)
For high-risk pregnancies—such as those involving diabetes, older mothers, or IVF conception—a 2D echocardiography (2D Echo) is recommended. It evaluates:
✔️ The fetal heart structure and function
✔️ Blood flow and potential heart defects
6. Growth Scan (32 Weeks)
At 32 weeks, a growth scan helps monitor:
✔️ The baby’s growth and estimated weight
✔️ Amniotic fluid levels
✔️ Placental health and function
7. Final Growth & Doppler Scan (38-39 Weeks)
In the last few weeks of pregnancy, a biophysical profile or colour Doppler scan is performed to:
✔️ Evaluate the baby’s well-being
✔️ Assess blood flow and oxygen supply
✔️ Ensure the placenta is functioning properly
Why Maintaining This Scan Timeline Is Important
Regular ultrasound scans during pregnancy provide crucial information about both the mother's health and the baby’s development. Timely scans help:
Detect complications early
Ensure proper fetal growth
Provide reassurance to expecting parents
By following this pregnancy scan timeline, you can ensure the best possible care for yourself and your baby. Always consult your doctor to schedule your scans at the right time for a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey.