Breast cancer develops when uncontrolled cell growth and division results in a mass of tissue known as a tumour. Breast cancer symptoms can include feeling a lump in your breast, witnessing changes to the skin of your breasts, or seeing a change in the size of your breast. Early detection is made easier by mammograms.
What is breast cancer?
Your breast tissue is where breast cancer starts. When breast cells mutation (alter) and proliferate out of control, a mass of tissue results (tumor). Breast cancer has the ability to spread and grow into the tissue surrounding your breast, just like other malignancies can. It may also spread to other regions of your body and develop into new cancers. It is known as metastasis when this actually occurs.
Kinds of Breast Cancer
The most common kinds of breast cancer are—
Invasive ductal carcinoma: The cancerous cells start off in the ducts and spread into other areas of the breast tissue as they continue to grow. Also capable of metastasizing to other body organs are invasive cancer cells.
Invasive lobular carcinoma: The lobules are the starting point for cancer cells, which spread from there to the nearby breast tissues. Other body organs may potentially become infected by these invasive cancer cells.
Paget's disease, medullary, mucinous, and inflammatory breast cancer are a few other, less common types of the disease.
Breast Cancer Mostly Affects Women
The second most prevalent cancer in women is skin cancer, and breast cancer is one of those. Women over 50 are most at risk, according to statistics.
Male breast cancer cases are rare, but they do exist. Less than 1% of all cases of male breast cancer, which affects about 2,600 men annually in the United States, are diagnosed.
What is the average age of breast cancer?
Although it can happen at any age, breast cancer is most frequently discovered in adults over the age of 50.
What are breast cancer's early warning signs?
Everybody's breast cancer symptoms are unique. Breast cancer warning signs include:
A change in your breast's size, shape, or form
A lump or tumour that may feel like a pea
Throughout your menstrual cycle, you have a lump or thickening in your armpit or in the area around your breast.
A change in the texture or appearance of your breast or nipple skin (dimpled, puckered, scaly or inflamed)
Having redness on your breasts or nipples
A spot on either breast that stands out as being very different from all other spots
A solid region under your skin that resembles marble
A clear or blood-stained discharge from your nipple
Some people never see any breast cancer symptoms at all. Because of this, routine mammograms are crucial.
Why do breast cancers develop?
Breast cancer arises when abnormal breast cells divide and grow. But the precise reason why this process starts in the first place is unknown to scientists.
There are, however, a number of risk factors that may raise your risk of developing breast cancer, according to study. These comprise:
Age: Your risk of developing breast cancer rises if you're above 55.
Sex: Compared to men, women have a substantially higher risk of developing breast cancer.
Genetics and family history: You are more likely to contract the illness at some point in your life if your parents, siblings, children, or other close relatives have had breast cancer. Genetic testing can identify specific faulty genes that are transferred from parents to children and are the cause of 5% to 10% of breast cancers.
Smoking: Breast cancer and other cancers have both been associated with tobacco usage.
Use of alcohol: Alcohol consumption may raise your chance for developing several types of breast cancer, according to research.
Obesity: Obesity raises the likelihood of developing breast cancer and having it return.
Exposure to radiation: You are more likely to get breast cancer if you have undergone radiation therapy in the past, especially to your head, neck, or chest.
Replacement therapy for hormones: Breast cancer diagnoses are more likely in those who utilise hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Your risk of having breast cancer may also be increased by a variety of additional factors. To determine whether you are at danger, speak with your healthcare professional.
Exactly how is breast cancer identified?
In addition to performing a breast exam, your healthcare professional will inquire about your family history, medical history, and any current symptoms. Additionally, your healthcare practitioner will suggest testing to look for breast abnormalities. These tests could involve:
Mammogram: Changes or abnormal growths in your breast can be found using these specialised X-ray scans. Breast cancer prevention frequently involves the use of a mammogram.
Ultrasonography: In this examination, sound waves are used to take images of the tissues inside your breast. It aids in the identification of breast masses or anomalies.
PET (positron emission tomography) imaging: Special dyes are highlighted in suspicious locations during a PET scan. Your doctor will inject a specific dye into your veins for this test, after which the scanner will capture images.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This examination creates crystal-clear, finely detailed images of the internal breast structures using magnets and radio waves.
If your healthcare provider sees anything suspicious on the imaging tests, they may take a biopsy of your breast tissue. They’ll send the sample to a pathology lab for analysis.
A breast tissue biopsy may be performed if your healthcare practitioner notices anything abnormal on the imaging tests. To do the analysis, they'll send the sample to a pathology lab.